(407) 682-4454
Quantum Neurology is the functional application of neurologic rehabilitation. Every tissue in or body is influenced through the nervous system, and a symptom could result from a miscommunication of the nervous system and that specific tissue. Quantum Neurology incorporates light therapy when rehabilitating the neurological miscommunication associated with a variety of symptoms. Low level lasers and other light emitting diode (LED) devices are common modalities used by a variety of specialties including: dermatology, chiropractic, neurology, veterinary, acupuncture, pain management, and burn centers. Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is known by many names. Cold laser therapy, phototherapy, light therapy, and color therapy are the most common. All of these names include treatment from a device that does not burn, cut or injure tissue as a hot laser, or surgery laser would. Quantum Neurology and light therapy are safe, non-invasive therapeutic modalities with minimal risk of side effects, or contraindication.
So far, peer-reviewed research has identified low level light therapy as being able to assist in the following:
The previously mentioned benefits are but a fraction of over 32,000 indexed research papers from the U.S. National Library of Medicine in regards to “laser therapy.” In addition to researched literature on light therapy, Quantum Neurology case studies have demonstrated amazing results with a wide variety of symptoms, illnesses, and conditions. Although there is debate as to how low level laser therapy affects our body, many researchers compare the process to photosynthesis in plants. It is generally accepted that the mitochondria (the energy producing part of the cell) is most receptive to the light therapy.
J. T. Eells, et al. from the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical College of Wisconsin, have demonstrated that red light irradiation “has been shown to increase electron transfer in purified cytochrome oxidase, increase mitochondrial respiration and ATP synthesis in isolated mitochondria, and up-regulate cytochrome oxidase activity in cultured neuronal cells.”
Additionally, these researchers explain that the mitochondrially generated reactive oxygen may function as a way for the molecules within the cell to communicate more effectively between the mitochondria, cytosol, and nucleus.
Low level light therapy in conjunction with Quantum Neurology rehabilitation has effectively shown to be safe, non-invasive modality that is beneficial to cellular communication and accelerated healing in a variety of conditions and illnesses.